Concealed Tank And It’s Importance In A Modern Day Bathroom

Concealed Tank in Lagos, Nigeria is ignored by some people. Because of this mindset people don’t mind what type of Concealed Tank they buy, they just happen to stumble on anyone and it is fine for them.

Recent day bathroom designs integrate minimal functions and space. Toilets with concealed tanks save the bathroom a lot of space providing possibilities to the fulfilment of producing a modern bathroom for your delight.

Before we go further, wanna explain to you what a concealed tank means


According to hippages, A concealed cistern which is also called a concealed tank is simply a toilet cistern (tank) that is hidden in some way.

It is usually hidden inside or behind a wall, or in the ceiling or inside cabinetry.

A tank concealed inside a wall is called an in-wall cistern while one hidden behind the wall is called an in the duct system.

I know you might be trying to understand the definition that is why we are going to be talking about


Those days toilets use to have the concealed tank but it was just on top of the WC. It took a lot of space.

Different solutions for different needs! Vitra S20 series products designed for the specific needs brings rational suggestions to bathrooms.

Today, the story has changed.


A hidden cistern is beautiful for a modern toilet. This works by fitting the cistern behind the wall on top of the toilet seat.


One major talk is that this concealed is difficult to maintain but we beg to differ.

Myths say these hidden systems are un-serviceable but sure the manufacturers thought of this and have serviced in mind when they were building the concealed tank but also the whole essence is so you can style up your bathroom.


A Wall Mounted WC/Wall Hung Wc is the one that is fixed to the wall or in other words it is hung on the wall. Read more

C-Ceramica makes buying Concealed Tank in Lagos, Nigeria affordable and easy. We sell imported ones and can be delivered anywhere in Nigeria.

You can read more about various WCs below

Check out the video of different types of WCs

C-ceramica has been in the sales of sanitary wares for years. Sanitary wares like tiles, Jacuzzi, Bathroom furniture, Bathroom fittings, Faucets, toilet seats, plastics, stainless steel, security doors, dual-flush, ceramics, wall-mounted, cabinet wash, concealed tank, plastic

Do contact us via Call on +2348137897777, +2349090222221 or send us a mail at

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LAGOS: Plot 642F Akin Adesola Victoria Island, Lagos state.

ABUJA: Suite FF1-FF7, Rhema plaza, Plot 267, Cadastral zone B9, Ahmadu Bello Way, Kado – Abuja. Call: +234 803 651 3100

Note: We deliver everywhere in Nigeria.

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